Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008

We had a field trip last week to Midway Village and we learned lots about the pioneering days in our hometown. This week we had co-op. We're learning about the Pilgrims & Indians. Did you know that the early Americans believed that by taking a bath they were washing off all their protection from diseases? They only bathed once a month! No wonder so many of the early settlers died.
I signed up for a membership with and it's been wonderful having so many worksheets at my fingertips. This week Miah worked on:
Math - regrouping & borrowing
Grammar - identifying being & doing verbs in sentences
Handwriting - cursive sentences
Spelling - ck/k words
Bible - Matt 22:37-38
*she also read a short story about Thomas Edison and had a quiz on that.
Davis is working really hard on letter sounds and practicing writing his letters. I talked with Mrs. Schmidt at RCS and she said that it's not uncommon for kids to go into 1st grade still not knowing most of their letter sounds. She said that boys in particular sometimes need more time and that usually by mid-year first grade it kicks in. In math, he's doing a great job with addition but oddly still doesn't recognize all his numbers. He has to use a chart. I just keep trying new things and plugging along. He'll get it.
Friday, October 24, 2008

We're making some progress with Davis' letter sounds. He can get about 1/2 way through the flash cards without hints. I've talked to a few other teachers about it but it's the general opinion that his learning style is going to be different than Miah and I should keep trying various avenues. Yesterday he used the leapfrog Fridge Phonics for the flash cards that he missed and that allows him to hear the sound from someone besides Steve & I. Starfall also has a cute little video that shows the letter sounds. I love their "learn to read" area. Davis listened & watched "Zac the Rat" today. It's helpful because it goes slowly showing the letter sounds as it reads.
Co-op was fun yesterday for the kids. We are finishing up the voting process and also the presidential challenge (for gym). Davis' class had to run around the entire bldg & parking lot 1 time and Miah's class had 2 times. It was freezing outside so it was hard!
Monday, October 13, 2008

Last night Davis used the magnetic map to find states based on the first letter sound. It was a little game he made up himself. But I could definitely see some progress with letter sound recognition. I don't get it, but I see it =)
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Yesterday we learned about voting while at co-op. Everybody got to vote! It was also picture day so we all got pictures taken. In Davis' class we read The Three Little Pigs & then we read The Three Little Pigs As Told By The Wolf. The kids had to vote on whether the Pig or the Wolf was telling the truth. Hmmm... I'm not sure there was ANY truth in either story but it helpped them understand about voting.
Today Davis worked on coloring specific numbered items... And letter sounds without their names. Miah said her Bible verse a day early and is starting on Chalkbox Kid (the books came in the mail yesterday!). She worked on making change from one of our previous links.
Tomorrow is a day off for the public schools but we will still have a few small things to finish up. Miah is going to take her spelling test and will work with Davis on the letter flashcards. Rockford Christian is having a Spirit Day so Noah is dying his hair blue for the football game!
Monday is Columbus Day - No School!
Monday, October 6, 2008

Sites that complimented Miah's work today are:
Vocabulary Words:
Grammar - Singular & Plural Nouns:
Math - Making Change:
Books we are reading: Just ordered Chalkbox Kid and Little Red Ant so we should have them in a few days. Current spelling and vocab words coordinate with Chalkbox Kid.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Today Miah read the entire 11 chapters of A Noodle Up Your Nose and took the quiz too. She says that Kate is just like her because Kate hates to wear dresses too.
Monday, September 22, 2008
The sites that complimented Miah's work today were:
Grammar: Capitalization & Run-On Sentences -
Math: Time & Money Worksheets -
(this is a great site as it allows me to select various levels, amounts and it's new each time)

Davis is doing LOTS of letter sounds. This week we're matching letters with the picture sounds, doing more Letter Factory Games & generally anything we can think of to help with commiting the letter sounds to memory. The site for the worksheets shown here is: (you'll need to sign-in -account is free)
Monday, September 15, 2008
Grams died yesterday. We're sad but we're happy too because she's not sick anymore. It'll be an unsual school work week but we'll try to still get everything done.
Sites that complimented our work today:
Grammar: Sentence Recognition (complete vs fragment)
Math: Place Value (worksheet using blocks)
Sites that complimented our work today:
Grammar: Sentence Recognition (complete vs fragment)
Math: Place Value (worksheet using blocks)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Co-op was fun yesterday. Miah made 3 new friends.
Sites that complimented our work today:
Math - Rounding to nearest ten worksheet:
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Links we used today:
Math (place value printable worksheets):
Grammar (types of sentences printable worksheets):
Handwriting (cursive E/e):
Monday, September 8, 2008
Miah's typing! She could hardly go to bed last night because she was having so much fun learning her home row.
Sites that complimented our school work today:
Math (place value) -
Grammar (types of sentences) -
2) (this one was difficult)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
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