Davis - these are for YOU

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Today we learned about the Declaration of Independence at co-op! Davis got to write with a pigeon quill.
We're doing the Presidential Challenge in gym to see how many sit-up, push-ups, shuttle-runs, etc. we can do. Miah likes it so much that she wants to play school when she gets home from school.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Noah's guy - "sitting in a beanbag chair with the remote" =) Despite his apparent dream life, his math teacher said that he's working really hard and doing a great job!

Today Miah read the entire 11 chapters of A Noodle Up Your Nose and took the quiz too. She says that Kate is just like her because Kate hates to wear dresses too.

Monday, September 22, 2008

It's a slow starting Monday (we had part of last week off due to the funeral) but we're jumping back in!

The sites that complimented Miah's work today were:
Grammar: Capitalization & Run-On Sentences - http://classroom.jc-schools.net/la/activities/worksheets.html

Math: Time & Money Worksheets - http://www.mathfactcafe.com/time/timemoney.aspx
(this is a great site as it allows me to select various levels, amounts and it's new each time)

Davis is doing LOTS of letter sounds. This week we're matching letters with the picture sounds, doing more Letter Factory Games & generally anything we can think of to help with commiting the letter sounds to memory. The site for the worksheets shown here is: http://www.leapfrog.com/en/leapfrog_parents/preschool_-_grade.html (you'll need to sign-in -account is free)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Grams died yesterday. We're sad but we're happy too because she's not sick anymore. It'll be an unsual school work week but we'll try to still get everything done.

Sites that complimented our work today:
Grammar: Sentence Recognition (complete vs fragment)

Math: Place Value (worksheet using blocks)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Co-op was fun yesterday. Miah made 3 new friends.
Sites that complimented our work today:
Math - Rounding to nearest ten worksheet: http://www.softschools.com/math/worksheets/rounding_numbers.jsp

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Links we used today:

Grammar (types of sentences printable worksheets):

Handwriting (cursive E/e):

Monday, September 8, 2008

Miah's typing! She could hardly go to bed last night because she was having so much fun learning her home row.

Sites that complimented our school work today:

Math (place value) - http://www.toonuniversity.com/flash.asp?err=496&engine=5

Grammar (types of sentences) -
2) http://www.quia.com/quiz/106467.html (this one was difficult)

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Davis & Scott found each other right away on the first day of co-op!