We're making some progress with Davis' letter sounds. He can get about 1/2 way through the flash cards without hints. I've talked to a few other teachers about it but it's the general opinion that his learning style is going to be different than Miah and I should keep trying various avenues. Yesterday he used the leapfrog Fridge Phonics for the flash cards that he missed and that allows him to hear the sound from someone besides Steve & I. Starfall also has a cute little video that shows the letter sounds. I love their "learn to read" area. Davis listened & watched "Zac the Rat" today. It's helpful because it goes slowly showing the letter sounds as it reads.
Co-op was fun yesterday for the kids. We are finishing up the voting process and also the presidential challenge (for gym). Davis' class had to run around the entire bldg & parking lot 1 time and Miah's class had 2 times. It was freezing outside so it was hard!